This course deals with concepts, principles, theories and techniques in the nursing care of individuals and families during childbearing and childbearing years toward health promotion, disease prevention, restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitation. The learners are expected to provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to clients utilizing the nursing process.
This course deals with concepts, principles, theories and techniques in the nursing care of individuals and families during childbearing and childbearing years toward health promotion, disease prevention, restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitation. The learners are expected to provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to clients utilizing the nursing process.
This course deals with concepts, principles, theories and techniques in the provision of basic care in terms of health promotion, disease prevention, restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitation at the individual and family level. It includes the study of the Philippine Health Care Delivery System, national health situation and the global context of public health. The learners are expected to provide safe, appropriate and holistic nursing care to individual and family as clients in community setting utilizing the nursing process.
This course deals with the pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and clinical/therapeutic uses of drugs in health promotion, disease prevention, restoration and maintenance and rehabilitation of clients across the lifespan utilizing the nursing process. Emphasis is given on the nursing responsibilities related to safe drug administration through medication monitoring and client education. It also includes complementary and alternative therapies. The learners are expected to develop beginning skills in the safe administration of medication.
This course deals with study of food in relation to health and illness. It covers nutrients and other substances and their action, interaction and balance in relation to health and diseases and the process by which the human body ingests, digest, absorbs, transports, utilizes and excretes food substances. It also focus on the therapeutic and food service aspects of the delivery of nutritional services in hospitals and other healthcare institutions.
The learners are expected to develop the competencies in appropriate meal planning and education of a given client.